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A Whole School Approach to EMPOWERING Students With Sexuality, Respectful Relationship & Consent Knowledge:



You choose your 2024 delivery date

As a class teacher, you will be trained to facilitate the lessons.
By pressing PLAY on prerecorded videos or following scripted lesson plans, you can frame the session that today we will all learn from the 'expert' Vanessa!

You will have sexuality education expert Vanessa Hamilton virtually in your classroom delivering these lessons via video or her scripted lesson notes. Expert led, research-based sexuality education lessons that match the national and/or state curriculum available at your fingertips with just a click of a button!

All teachers have to do is:

✓ Enjoy 9 short training videos (total 72 minutes) to improve your confidence in facilitating this content

✓ Attend an interactive  live training session with Vanessa  for all staff (Zoom or face to face ~ 75 mins)

✓ Prepare the 'done for you' activities & print your teacher notes 

âś“ Deliver the 'done for you' content

Here is what this Year 6 teacher had to say about delivering Virtual Classroom...

"I initially had some nerves about teaching a sensitive topic like
Healthy Sexuality Education. However, from the very first session, I was impressed by how engaging
and age-appropriate the program was.
The materials were extremely easy to deliver, and I found myself growing more confident as the lessons
progressed. What truly impressed me was the program's inclusivity, ensuring that every student felt
comfortable and respected throughout their learning journey.
I highly recommend the Talking the Talk program to fellow educators seeking an effective and inclusive
approach to teaching healthy sexuality education. 
Kate, Yr 6 Teacher, 11/08/2023


With Benefits Like These:

No barriers to providing Healthy Sexuality, Consent & Respectful Relationships Education

Program that has parent involvement and engagement 

Capacity building where teachers become confident to address this topic year round

As Vanessa's tagline says:
“Let’s get started it’s easier than you think”

Virtual Classroom by Talking The Talk Healthy Sexuality Education is a platform that has sexuality education lesson videos that are ready to use whenever you need them. The videos are created by and feature experienced sexuality educator Vanessa Hamilton

How does it work?

  • Vanessa presents the Human Sexuality content via short pre-recorded videos of each curriculum topic by year level
  • Staff/class teacher facilitates the video content presentations and uses the notes/tips that Vanessa provides for class discussion/Q&A
  • Staff undergo some basic, simple, supportive training prior to facilitating the sessions
    • 66 minutes online PD training modules done any time 
    • 60 - 90 minutes live (zoom or face to face) all staff session with Vanessa 
  • Deliver the sessions any time in during your 12 months subscription period:
    • Start/Pause/Stop videos at any time 
  • Printable PDF activities and resources provided for each topic presentation video
  • Consent & Respectful Relationships content (which is a free bonus!!!) is to be led by teachers
    • Vanessa provides a short coaching video for each of these lessons
    • Lesson plans and activities are designed for you and are all ready to go 


When you are planning how to have sexuality education taught in your schools every year, you want a clear and simple solution...

…and we want to make teaching sexuality education easier for schools. What a perfect match!


Virtual Classroom makes this process better for schools by being:

And what could be better than simple, affordable lessons that are being taught for you, and you can choose whenever and wherever you want to have these lessons?!

This whole school approach is the ready to go package that your school never knew it needed!


It means that we want everyone to be involved in a child's sexuality education and taking care of their wellbeing. Our whole school approach builds not only on building on teacher comfort and confidence, but also on parent involvement and acceptability.

How do we do this: 

  • Staff & class teachers are provided with efficient, engaging, yet simple, training and ongoing support (i.e. private teacher only facebook group) to ask questions and get any help as needed
  • Resources on how to inform parents about the program and how to get parents actively involved in supporting their child's sexuality education
  • Homework activity sheets are included so that parents/carers can engage in the content their children are learning
  • The virtual classroom package includes a parent session, where they can directly ask questions learn how to support their children in what they are learning
  • PLUS free written resources are included for  teachers and parents

Having external providers come in all the time isn't SUSTAINABLE!

Instead, utilise the knowledge and experience of a sexuality education expert and have an expert helping you teach the content whenever you want it!

This means that you can become an expert at teaching these lessons too! 

Virtual Classroom is designed to be capacity building, where teachers become confident to address this topic year round, when the need arises not just in specific session. This means your school won't be reliant on external providers, your teachers will be ready to teach these topics whenever it suits them!

And after a year of  COVID lockdowns, we know that everyone could use some support in teaching this content. This accurate comprehensive age appropriate content can be delivered regardless of COVID restrictions of visitors to school so students will never miss out again!

You Aren’t Looking For A Quick Fix Solution That Will Work just for 1 Year...

You Want a Model Of Sexuality Education That is Sustainable for Years To Come!


A program with a whole school approach, even parents are involved! 

Research based content delivered by experts and teachers are trained so that they too can become experts 

Accessible in any classroom. All you need is: Internet and to be English speaking.

Available at the click of a button. Watch lessons whenever you want! 

And it's not affected by COVID-19 lockdowns

You would have inclusive and comprehensive sexuality education in your classroom any time you want it!


12 Month subscription Fees
 Inclusive of GST

Calculate your school’s five year investment as prices become more affordable each subsequent year

  • Invoiced every 12 months from date of purchase 
  • Investment on your 5 year plan for a whole school approach via capacity building model, delivering sexuality education that does not rely on external providers. Ready to provide to students any time within the school year.
  • Use the table above

 For your school:

  • Look at variables/examples in red. 
  • Multiply your number of YEAR 3 - 6 classes by the cost per CLASS. 
  • Think about whether you might choose *alternate years for adult sessions (after 2 compulsory initial staff sessions) you can decide at the start of each year.






Send a quote for my school

To book access to this service:

Send an email to [email protected] and include the following details

  1. Number of classes you have in each of Years 3-6
  2. Approx. numbers of students in each year level 
  3. Preferred teacher (in person) and parent session (live via Zoom) dates
  4. Estimated anticipated delivery dates of delivery of content at your school


The school will then be sent:

  • A proposal with a quote
  • When the quote is accepted, school will receive an invoice payable immediately
  • When payment is received, log in access to all resources will be provided to all staff
  • Payment is invoiced yearly and can be cancelled at any time
  • Access is granted from date payment is received and continues for 12 months from date of payment.
Tell Me More

You get to Take Control of Delivering Human Sexuality, Respectful Relationships and Consent Education Yearly That is Affordable and sustainable!

Providing comprehensive sexuality education can be hard.

Especially if you've never had any training on how to deliver it!

Your options can be limited. You can either have an external provider come in and deliver the lessons. Or you could have your staff design and deliver the lessons themselves. 

Those options present their own challenges.

Relying on an external provider can see you having to deal with the demand of other schools trying to book the same providers as you. 

You then have to plan your schedule to be able to fit these lessons into each classes' timetable.

And there are the complex, time consuming booking processes.

Not to mention the expensive prices!

To avoid these issues, you may choose to have your staff deliver these lessons themselves. 

But not all staff members may feel comfortable or confident teaching this material, especially if they have never taught this content before or had some training in how it should be delivered.

Of course there are curriculum guides to help teachers figure out what is age appropriate but how are they to know what specific information is appropriate at what age? 

How are they to know how to answer difficult questions that come up in the lessons or months down the line? 

Teachers already have so much on their plate. 

And if you are like most schools, you don't want to have to be reliant on external providers for your students' sexuality education. 

The reality is:

Whether you teach the content yourself or you get in an external provider...




Whether it is the lack of teacher familiarity with the curriculum and content, reliance and high cost of external providers, the uncertainty of the right language to use, the need to cover so many different topics or uncertainty about parent support...

...you don't want this to prevent  your students from getting adequate human sexuality, consent  and respectful relationships  education, do you?

Of course not! 

So then why wouldn't you use something that encompasses ALL the things you are looking for: expert led content, lessons that are ready to go, something that is capacity building for teachers and an affordable and sustainable  price? 

Take a Look Inside the Virtual Classroom Platform

Let's take a browse through Virtual Classroom and see what it has to offer


This is a little preview of what your school will have access to when you sign up to Talking The Talk's Virtual Classroom. 


Learn more

It’s time to upskill yourself (and other  teachers) on how to navigate discussions around sexuality, respectful relationships and consent!
Just hear how  Talking The Talk's Virtual Classroom went in schools recently:

"It was like you had come into the classroom to teach us"

Year 3&4 Teachers, 

On the Live Teacher Zoom Webinar:
"Perfect! Interesting and along with the online training, year 3 &4  teachers felt ready to deliver the lessons and junior school staff now feel great about teaching too..."

On the Virtual Classroom Lessons: 
"Your manner and language was friendly, informative and engaging. It was like you had come into the classroom to teach us..."

"...Overall, we feel that you’ve put together a very professional, useful and extremely valuable package..."


Primary School Assistant Principal 

"...It’s so great that families are asking when the students are having their Sexuality education sessions - after they attend your parent session they value the fact that we are all working together for the child’s wellbeing...We have some teachers who are very excited to have the opportunity to deliver the content..."

Read some more stories of how Virtual Classroom was integrated into classrooms across Victoria 


Primary School Principal

"...This model provides excellent partnership with families, there is a clear sense that there is a family role and teacher role and we are working together...

The Virtual classroom fits with our philosophy of embedding real life across the curriculum, the focus on capacity building for our teachers, crosses other areas of our curriculum, it also aligns with the respectful relationships curriculum and the way we view things at our school...

I loved the Teacher Training Module 'This is not about you' (Facts v Values), that really helps with teacher confidence...

Excellent that parents have access to ongoing resources if they can't make it to the live (via zoom)  presentation."


“Helpful and informative” Teacher training modules

Primary School Teacher

"...I completed the Sexuality Ed PD last week (and the modules just now) and I just wanted to reach out and let you know how helpful and informative I found them. I really appreciate how you were able to simplify a topic which I have at times found a bit overwhelming or felt unsure of where to begin. The resources are so straightforward and supportive so thank you..."

Here is an example video of Vanessa Presenting the 5/6 Sexuality Education content

Did you notice the inclusive language used?

Can you picture this being presented into your classroom?


The Simple To Use, Comprehensive and Age Appropriate Respectful Relationships, Sexuality and Consent  Education for All Primary School Teachers To Use When It Suits Their Timetable

SEE what's waiting for you inside once you sign up for virtual classroom

Bite sized, yet comprehensive training videos, prerecorded and prepared lessons and activities & so many resources for all of your sexuality education needs in the classroom!


As we come from a capacity building mindset, we want to train and support teachers to teach this content in their schools whenever they want.

So how we do this in Virtual Classroom is by providing resources that are split into 4 important categories: 

  1. Teacher Training Modules
    • There are 10 short modules to complete
  2. Getting Ready To Teach The Content
    • Includes a workbook to help you during your training and during lessons
  3. Delivering The Content
  4. Parent Communication

There are plenty of resources in this section that give you tips and tricks to navigating these topics and help set you and classroom up for these lessons!

These are Not the Only Resources You Get in Virtual Classroom...

You’re not just being trained in how to deliver these topics, You're getting prerecorded and research-based, expert designs lessons ready for you to use in class TOO!

Human Sexuality, Consent & Respectful Relationships Lessons for 
Foundation, Year 1&2, Year 3&4 and Year 5&6 

Virtual Classroom has research-based, curriculum matched human sexuality, consent and respectful relationships lessons ready for your classes. 

Lessons are intentionally designed to ease into certain topics, first creating a sense of safety before diving into more sensitive content.

Lessons include presentation videos where you have Vanessa in the class with you, teacher presentation notes, coaching videos, activity and homework sheets, and much much more! 


See What You Can Expect From Virtual Classrooms' Lessons for Foundation, Year 1&2, Year 3&4 and Year 5&6

Foundation Content

Topics content: Approx. 4 hours

Key topics covered in these lessons include:

  • Safe and Unsafe 
  • Body Parts - Private vs Public and naming simplest genitals
  • Safety Network - Identify trusted adults
  • Consent
  • Respectful Relationships: How to ask for help, Everyone can be strong and gentle, Anyone can choose

Year 1&2 Content

Topics content: Approx. 4 hours

Key topics covered in these lessons include:

  • We all grow up - Body changes
  • I know my body - Body parts including simple genitals 
  • Safe and Unsafe, Body Boundaries, Safety Network 
  • Feelings and help seeking behaviours
  • Consent and Respect 
  • Respectful Relationships: Inclusive Gender Stories, Using Personal Strengths to resist gender stereotyping, The opposite of violence is respect

Year 3 & 4 Content

Topics content: Approx. 8 hours

Key topics covered in these lessons include:

  • We All Grow Up 
  • Naming Body Parts Including Genitals
  • Sexuality Diversity Briefly Introduced
  • Introduction to Puberty Changes: Emotional and Physical
  • The Amazing Story of Conception, Pregnancy & Birth
  • Protective Safety (Body Safety)
  • Consent
  • Respectful Relationships: Emotional Literacy, Personal Strengths, Positive Coping, Problem Solving

Have a look at our Lesson Plan for the Year 3&4 Lessons on Virtual Classroom.
These lesson plans are included for every year level! So when you sign up for Virtual Classroom, you can see all of the lesson plans for each and every year level and see what the program looks like across your whole school. Know exactly what to prepare for so you can know when to fit these lessons in your timetable!

Year 5 & 6 (Initial) Content

Topics content: Approx. 8 hours


Year 5&6 (Initial) is for Year 6 students who HAVE NOT had adequate or recent sexuality education in the preceding years. The level of content assumes they have never had adequate education on puberty or reproduction.

If you have not have Vanessa come into your school and deliver any lessons before, 
then these are the lessons for you!

If you have had lessons with Vanessa before, then keep scrolling and you can see the lessons best suited to you.

Key topics covered in these lessons include:

  • We All Grow up 
  • Naming Body Parts
  • Sexuality Diversity Revisited
  • What is Puberty
  • Puberty Changes: Emotional and Physical
  • Puberty Continued - What Happens and What You Need and in Relation to Reproductive Capacity 
  • Conception, Pregnancy & Birth
  • Protective Safety 
  • Question & Answer
  • Consent
  • Respectful Relationships: Emotional Literacy, Personal Strengths, Positive Coping, Problem Solving, Stress Management

In Addition to the Initial Year 5&6 Content,  You Also Get... 

Year 6 (Subsequent) Content

Topics content: Approx. 8 hours


Year 6 Subsequent is for those Year 6 students who HAVE had adequate sexuality education in preceding years or have had Vanessa deliver it to them at your school in the past. The level of content assumes they have already had some puberty and reproduction education.

Key topics covered in these lessons include:

  • Revision of Body Parts
  • Gender and Diversity explored
  • What is Puberty
  • A-Z of Puberty changes: Emotional and Physical 
  • Conception, Pregnancy and Birth, Contraception 
  • Discussion re exposure to internet harm regarding sex and sexuality 
  • Intro to Romantic Respectful relationships - friendships versus romantic partnerships 
  • Sexuality Quiz 
  • Consent 
  • Respectful Relationships: Gender and Identity, Positive Gender Relations

Primary School Principal

"...This model provides excellent partnership with families, there is a clear sense that there is a family role and teacher role and we are working together..."

How your school could easily get started today! …

  • Everything teachers need, including the videos, sit on a platform accessed via log in. 
  • Every teacher and parent gets their own individual log in, to access relevant content pages
  • Leadership team arranges a group (approx. 2 - 6 people) of interested and willing staff to be your school's 'Sexuality Education Supporters' (SESs):
    • SESs will ideally opt in/self select, as SESs and already have some basic pre existing training, knowledge and comfort around the topic and delivery of Sexuality Education
    • SESs must undertake 40 - 60 minutes self directed online teacher education course as a prerequisite - accessible via log in, in their own time
    • SESs must attend a live 60 minute (via Zoom) language, content  and confidence training with Vanessa
    • SESs will then facilitate the class content delivery at anytime in 2021 as decided by your staff group
    • Our focus is on capacity building so all staff have access to the online course and live presentation even if they are not a SES (no extra fee)
  • Now it's time to engage parents
    • Notify of date of delivery of sessions via parent letter
      • Examples are provided within the Virtual Classroom package
    • Encourage attendance at live parent session
    • Provide parent with their free eBook resource
    • Provide free recorded video presentation 

And Because We Are Committed to Ensuring Every Student In A School Has Access to Human Sexuality, Consent & Respectful Relationships Education, We Have Created These Additional Bonuses For Your School:

When You Sign Your School Up, You’ll Get


For the Duration of Your Yearly Subscription ALL FOR FREE!



Foundation, Year 1 & Year 2
Human Sexuality Content

To contribute to the whole school approach that we take at Talking The Talk Healthy Sexuality Education,
Foundation, Year 1 & Year 2 Human Sexuality Content are included in Virtual Classroom for free!

You can expect:

  • Protective and Body Safety
  • Naming body parts

This would usually cost a school with 9 classes of Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 $2,025 for Vanessa to come in and deliver these sessions. 


Foundation, Year 1&2,
Year 3&4 and Year 5&6
Respectful Relationships
and Consent Lessons

Not only does Virtual Classroom offer Human Sexuality Content, in 2021 we have now added Consent and Respectful Relationships lesson too!
This includes:

  • 21 Lesson Plans that are matched to the Victorian Curriculum for a whole school for free!
  • Coaching videos and tips from Vanessa specifically on how to teach these topics

To have a provider come in and deliver these lessons, it would cost $225 per lesson per class e.g. one year 5 class would cost over $1,000 for their 4 Consent and Respectful Relationships lessons to be delivered! Think of how much it would cost for the whole primary school!


Private Facebook Group Community for Teachers

Talking The Talk Virtual Classroom has a private Facebook group for teachers! This group is for all staff in schools who have subscribed to Talking The Talk Virtual Classroom. 

In this group you can:

  • Ask Vanessa a question any time she will respond within 48 hours
  • Share with each other tips and tricks
  • Chat about sexuality education delivery 
  • Share stories

Once you are in, you can post any questions you have about teaching sexuality education to the group or answer questions posted by other educators! 


Prerecorded Version of the Live Parent Session

  • This session is aimed at educating a parent or carer, so that: 
    • They become their child’s main source of information about sex and sexuality
    • Their children’s safety and wellbeing is a priority as they grow up 
    • Their children have the best possibility of healthy and happy,  development, experiences and relationships through their human sexuality life journey 
  • Watch it in the comfort of their own home and their own pace
  • Watch it with the child’s other parent/carer
  • Ongoing access, 24/7 on any phone, device or computer with internet access so they can watch it time and time again!


eBook Guide for Parents


Parent Conversation Guide

How to have conversations with children about sex & sexuality

Downloadable/printable 63 page PDF


Ages 2-17

  • Tips, scripts and conversation starters so that a parent will be their child’s main sex and sexuality educator
  • 25 years of Vanessa's own parenting and sexuality education and nursing experience, written into an eBook guide to support and encourage parents to start and continue essential, life changing conversations with kids aged 2 - 17 years of age  
  • Conversations checklists by age
  • And much much more!


When you purchase Talking The Talk's Virtual Classroom for your school, you'll receive instant access to everything you and your teachers need to PREPARE, PRESENT and become a PRO at involving the whole school community in your students' sexuality education!


  • Available in your classroom whenever you want to use it, just one click away
  • The content that teachers often dread & therefore avoid, is delivered by experts via pre recorded video  
  • Class activities and homework sheets: all the resources you will need are included!
  • Lesson planning and links to curriculum are all ready for you 
  • Evidenced based content and backed by global research 



  • Teacher Training Modules can be done anywhere anytime 
  • Ongoing Teacher Resources
  • Parent Presentation - video recording
  • Parent conversations guide book included
  • Parent letters provided
  • Resource links for parents 

You also get access to Foundation, Year 1 & Year 2 Human Sexuality Content, Foundation - Year 6 Respectful Relationship and Consent Lesson Content, Private Facebook Group, a Prerecorded Parent Session, and an eBook Guide for Parents all for free!


About Vanessa

Vanessa Hamilton (she/her) is a Sexuality Educator and Mum to three wonderful kids. She is the founder of Talking The Talk Healthy Sexuality Education, working as a highly respected and sought after speaker, writer and educator. 

Vanessa has spoken to literally tens of thousands of people about sex and sexuality during her 25 years of experience as a Sexual Health Nurse and has also spent more than 18 years educating children and adults.

She has immersed herself in helping parents, teachers and health professionals understand human sexuality and specifically how it relates to children. 

Learn more about Vanessa

Frequently Asked Questions


Continue relying on expensive external providers with complex, time consuming booking processes.

Waiting for an expert to be available when it might not fit in with a classes' schedule.

Where content is only available on that day in that class and the knowledge and skill walks out the door when the presenter leaves?

Have teachers feel unprepared and uncomfortable teaching this content all by themselves.

Not knowing what language to use or how to navigate discussions with students.




Have a best practice, whole school approach with access to in-house sexuality education always ready for you to use. 

Have your staff and parents educated and ready to answer students' questions whenever they arise throughout the year. 

Have access to a platform where you will always have sexuality education at your staff’s fingertips.

Have ready to go activities and homework sheets that match the content being taught. 

Have access to a community of teachers who are teaching the same material and can provide support.

Be able to get advice and assistance from expert sexuality educator Vanessa Hamilton whenever you want.

Have confident staff who are empowering students current and inclusive Sexuality, Respectful Relationship & Consent Knowledge.



Do away with the dreaded feelings of how will we provide ‘sex ed’ this year! 

Make An Enquiry

© Talking The Talk Healthy Sexuality Education 2024