Talking The Talk Healthy Sexuality Conversations Podcast
Do you want to feel confident and comfortable as the main sex & sexuality educator for your kids?
This podcast gives surprisingly simple & effective, actionable tips to clear the fears and uncertainty around essential sexuality conversations with kids.
Each episode answers real questions from parents about human sexuality.
Vanessa shares 25 years experience based on tens of thousands of conversations as a sexual health nurse & educator with you. As a bonus, you might just get that sexuality education you missed out on when you were a kid!
Vanessa Hamilton is a Sexuality Educator and Mum to three wonderful kids. She is the founder of Talking The Talk Sex and Health Education, working as a highly respected and sought after speaker, writer and educator.
Vanessa has spoken to literally tens of thousands of people about sex and sexuality during her 25 years experience as a Sexual Health Nurse and has also spent 17 years educating children and adults.
She has immersed herself in helping parents, teachers and health professionals understand human sexuality and specifically how it relates to children. Vanessa understands discussing topics related to sex and human sexuality with kids (young and old) can be confronting for parents. By providing simple explanations, tools and tips, she reduces the fears that many people have about these essential conversations and facilitates discussions that support children as they grow up in this hypersexualised society.
During this podcast she answers questions from parents and dives deep onto sexuality topics.
She is also creating an online membership to support parents to be the main sexuality educators for their kids.
Her tagline is “Let's get started it’s easier than you think”.

EPISODE 26 - Consent Education - As Easy As Talking About Shoe Laces and Lego
In classrooms, I use two stories when talking to kids about consent. Listen to the podcast or watch the video for a demonstration on how easy it can be to talk about tieing shoelaces and playing Lego with someone as a way to explain consent topic like:
EPISODE 25 - Online Safety and Sexuality Impact on Kids - 3 Experts Chat
In this light-hearted chat, between Inform and Empower Cyber Safety Education Experts and Talking The Talk Sexuality Education Expert , Marty (a Primary School Teacher), Carley (a Child Psychologist) and Vanessa (a Sexual Health Nurse & Educator) share their top tips for what they want parents and teachers to know about keeping kids safe in this digital world.
EPISODE 24 - E-book in audio: LGBTIQA+ Language examples
Vanessa reads and discusses samples of content from the E-book - Being A Sexual Being (BASB) How to have Sexuality Conversations with kids ages 4-12 yo.
EPISODE 23 - Sex and Sexuality Script Ideas Part 2
Vanessa reads and discusses samples of content from the E-book - Being A Sexual Being (BASB) How to have Sexuality Conversations with kids ages 4-12 yo.
EPISODE 22 - Sex and Sexuality Script Ideas Part 1
Vanessa reads and discusses samples of content from the E-book - Being A Sexual Being (BASB) How to have Sexuality Conversations with kids ages 4-12 yo.
EPISODE 21 - Ebook in audio - Sexuality Conversation Checklist Ages 5-12 yo
Vanessa reads and discusses samples of content from the E-book - Being A Sexual Being (BASB) How to have Sexuality Conversations with kids ages 4-12 yo.
EPISODE 20 - Ebook in audio - Sexuality Conversation Checklist Ages 0-5 yo
Vanessa reads and discusses samples of content from the E-book - Being A Sexual Being (BASB) How to have Sexuality Conversations with kids ages 4-12 yo.
EPISODE 19 - Ebook in audio - PINK how not to react
Vanessa reads and discusses samples of content from the E-book - Being A Sexual Being (BASB) How to have Sexuality Conversations with kids ages 4-12 yo.
EPISODE 18 - Ebook in audio - PRAISED - your acronym guide
Vanessa reads and discusses samples of content from the E-book - Being A Sexual Being (BASB) How to have Sexuality Conversations with kids ages 4-12 yo.
EPISODE 17 - Ebook in audio - What does 'Sex' even mean?
Vanessa reads and discusses samples of content from the E-book - Being A Sexual Being (BASB) How to have Sexuality Conversations with kids ages 4-12 yo.
EPISODE 16 - Ebook in audio - Conversation Starters Part 2
Vanessa reads and discusses samples of content from the E-book - Being A Sexual Being (BASB) How to have Sexuality Conversations with kids ages 4-12 yo.
EPISODE 15 - Ebook in audio - Conversation Starters Part 1
Vanessa reads and discusses samples of content from the E-book - Being A Sexual Being (BASB) How to have Sexuality Conversations with kids ages 4-12 yo.
EPISODE 14 - Ebook in audio - 20 All Time Top Tips
Vanessa reads and discusses samples of content from the E-book - Being A Sexual Being (BASB) How to have Sexuality Conversations with kids ages 4-12 yo.
EPISODE 13 - Ebook in audio - Why is BASB such a simple guide for parents?
Vanessa reads and discusses samples of content from the E-book - Being A Sexual Being (BASB) How to have Sexuality Conversations with kids ages 4-12 yo.
EPISODE 12 - Gender Reveal Parties Don't Actually Reveal Gender
The problem with ‘gender’ reveal parties is they are not revealing gender I cringe every time I see a gender reveal party. There is so much that is wrong with it, but perhaps the worst part is when someone is disappointed with the reveal outcome.
EPISODE 11 - My 12 year old boy says he likes boys, how can I support him?
If your child told you they were lesbian or gay or bisexual or pansexual, how would you react? Lots of parents ask me how to support their children’s sexual diversity.
EPISODE 10 - What is LGBTIQA+ and how do I explain it to my kids?
Within LGBTIQA+ communities there are a wide range of terms and language related to all aspects of human sexuality i.e. sex, bodies, gender, expression, attraction, orientation, experience…and more.
EPISODE 9 - What is age appropriate sex and sexuality information - ages 9-12
Over 3 podcast episodes - number 7, 8 and 9, I’ll break down by age, what is typically expected human sexuality development and behaviour for children and I’ll suggest some conversations you could (read should) be having at those ages and stages.
EPISODE 8 - What is age appropriate sex and sexuality information - ages 5-9
Over 3 podcast episodes - number 7, 8 and 9, I’ll break down by age, what is typically expected human sexuality development and behaviour for children and I’ll suggest some conversations you could (read should) be having at those ages and stages.
EPISODE 7 - What is age appropriate sex and sexuality information - ages 0-5
Over 3 podcast episodes - number 7, 8 and 9, I’ll break down by age, what is typically expected human sexuality development and behaviour for children and I’ll suggest some conversations you could (read should) be having at those ages and stages.
EPISODE 6 - Should I let my teen watch the Netflix Series, Sex Education
At nearly every parent session, I get asked the question: Have you watched the Netflix series, Sex Education? Followed closely with the question “What is your opinion of letting teens watch it?”
EPISODE 5 - Do I have to teach my child sexuality education during Covid -19 isolation home schooling?
Have you thought about Human Sexuality and Respectful Relationships as a subject that kids should be taught during home schooling?
EPISODE 4 - What is the difference between sex and sexuality?
Have you ever thought about the actual word sex and what it means? Have you ever thought about how this word can complicate and even prevent conversations about sex and sexuality?
EPISODE 3 - Thankyou for teaching me body safety rules - I taught my child - this resulted in them telling me something concerning
This was more feedback and thank you from a parent, rather than a question.
EPISODE 2 - 10 Top Tips For Healthy Conversations About Sex & Sexuality With Kids
Vanessa what are your top tips for talking to kids about sex and sexuality? One of the most common questions I receive from parents & carers... here are 10 to get you started...
EPISODE 1 - Mum, How Does The Man Stop The Wee From Coming Out When He Is Putting The Seed In The Vagina?
The first episode question is from a parent who was lost for words when they received this question from their five year old.