Sexuality Education Video: Q&A question box for 10 year old classroom on International Women’s Day
Aug 26, 2021
Originally posted 08/03/2020
Sexuality Education Video: Q&A question box for 10 year old classroom on International Women’s Day from Talking The Talk Sex & Health Ed on Vimeo.
Our kids are the future and it is imperative we talk about human sexuality in a positive and respectful way with inclusiveness and acceptance of differences and diversity.
This International Women’s Day, I want to share some of the things we talk about in sexuality education sessions with children.
We must especially celebrate periods/menstruation and potential reproductive capacity, as well as pleasure of the physical female body, in order to reduce fear, stigma, disgust, disrespect and inequity in the world.
My reference in the video to a small minority of fear mongering conservatives who are trying to eradicate this essential Respectful Relationship resource.
Have a look yourselves, you will see, it is imperative to the education and wellbeing of our kids.
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